Very short update

So I thought I should write SOMETHING at least. Even though I have an hour left before I return back to camp yet again.

So after a bit of thinking, I decided to just write really short summaries about the eroges I have been playing but have no time to actually write long winded reviews about.

WHITE ALBUM2 -introductory chapter-

What can I say about this…. It is just… drama. A lot of it. As expected from Leaf I would say. I personally liked this quite a lot since it is slice of life and down the earth in a sense. Those who liked the first white album or this kind of genre would absolutely dig this. Music was horrendous though. Overall quality is amazing.


At first it came off as wtf is wrong with this eroge for the first few moments. But after that, it really shined. It’s a mind fuckery game for sure but it deals with a lot more than just that. You’ll really regret not playing this as this is probably one of the titles that I like the most now. Amazing script.


As expected from Akatsuki works, this is better than average. Continues off the other two eroges in this series but there is still no actual end in sight. Compared to the first where the idea was more fresh, now it seems a little draggy. But it show the direction it was going and what is probably going to happen so I’ll let that pass. Worth to read if you have finished the prequels IMO.


Don’t tell me. I know. I have no idea why I played this. It’s funky and funny to fill the gaps I guess. Incredibly average but still a fun read. Nothing stands out at all though, save for the cute art.


Didn’t expect the day to come where I’ll facepalm on an Akabee product but this is it. This eroge is filled with LAWWWWLLLLLL and jokes. Giant robot living in a city. Of course there are other things to mention but the point is that it’s something akin to WLO. A laugh fest. Fun read, but in terms of depth….. well that’s another story.


I always had a thing for Lump of Sugar as they did make some wonderful eroges, but this is painfully average. It was somewhat draggy with no real sense of a climax. The whole eroge ended with me going “that’s it?”. The idea too is somewhat overused so I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone really.


Two words. PLAY THIS. This, is like one of the best releases EVA. I liked this at least 3 times more than Flyable Heart even though it’s so much shorter.There’s some really good writing in this coupled with a more dramatic storyline. Pretty sure most people would like reading this. Oh and it’s not whacky like Flyable heart but rather more down to earth. Actually scratch that, it is down to earth.


Oh what can I say. I just love it when these two are together. Granted Evolimit is not to the tier of where Asairo is sitting, but it is still very much a fufilling eroge to read coupled with interesting scenes and events that won’t bore you. Lacks a surprise element but nevertheless a must play.


I love Giga. I really do. They make such lovely eroges that just make me beam. But this, is quite…. boring for a slice of life eroge. The events are bland and you could see what is going to happen a mile away. I ctrled so many times that it’s not funny. Needs quite a lot of work to make it better.

21 thoughts on “Very short update

  1. it fells that prismrhythm was lump of sugar’s attempt to recreate nursery rhyme but thats just me…. in a more paced slice of life style but thats just me…

  2. Hey there, nice to see you’re still active 😀 Also great to find another s’porean here who shares a similar hobby heh. Anyways I thought kimi nago was awesome, I didn’t really understand the grandmother’s past part though…my two years of studying japanese ain’t that good enough i guess. The ending seemed kinda bittersweet to me…overall a great fandisk for one of my fav heroines.

    Oh yeah, and good luck with NS heh..still got a couple of years before I’m conscripted…

  3. Your comments about Achikoi was exactly the same as mine. I’m not sure why I played it either. It’s really really short.

    I would’ve played Kiminago if it wasn’t Mayuri. Incidentally, Zen hated it.

  4. While criticisms of Okiba ga Nai! are certainly valid, there’s one thing I can say in its defense…

    …at least it’s better than Kourin no Machi.

  5. Music in WA 2 was horrendous? Hmm, I thought that it sounded oddly like a CC of the stuff from Toheart 2, but I had a bigger problem with the art. Too bad about Bitter smile, I was really hoping that Giga would climb to Parfait quality instead of falling even further…

    Also, YOU’RE ALIVE! o_0

  6. Any chance you’ll give your thoughts on the upcoming PSP version of Sakura Sakura when it comes out? Assuming it has anything new to it

  7. Hi,Accany…..nice to see you alive again,hehehe…

    Well,from the eroges you wrote Subarashiki Hibi interested me the most for the obvious reason that i really like these mind madness games……gonna try this one(and many others,i have a list)after my japanese improves a little,hehehe…

    Hope to see you here again soon with more reviews…

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