遥かに仰ぎ、麗しの Review

Excellent. Absolutely excellent. I see Pulltop in a new light after this.

This has exactly all the stuff that makes a good eroge. Damned. WHY DON’T ANYONE LEARN FROM THEM ANYMORE.





Some Rubbish Infomation

Company = PULLTOP

Scenario = 丸谷秀人 (France Shoujo, Sex Friend), 健速 (Epic scriptwriter, Konato yori Kanata Made, Soshite ashita no sekai yori, secret game)

Artist = 藤原々々(Pulltop stuff and old unison shift stuff)

Genre = Dramatic school romance

What’s so special = One of the best stories ever written, excellent pacing, wonderful lovable characters, actually has some elements of mystery.

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