その横顔を見つめてしまう ~A Profile 完全版~ Review

Akabeesoft2 never lets me down =3

Official (IP BLocked)



Some Rubbish Infomation

Company あかべぇそふとつぅ

Scenario = るーすぼーい (Who else. It’s looseboy, script writer for G senjou no Maoh, Sharin no kuni and the upcoming Taiyou no ko)

Artist = 有葉 (WLO, Sharin, G senjou), 呉マサヒロ (some random eroges that are not really worth mentioning),  こんぺいとう (No idea)

Genre = School life Slice of life pure love

What’s so special = Short, well thought out plot, decent pacing

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